Thursday, March 23, 2006

So I married an alien

Over the last 20 years or so, I have occasionally had the feeling that Steve was from another planet. Not Mars or Venus or any of that rubbish, but I've had this inkling that there was something about him that was absolutely foreign.

And this morning my suspicions were confirmed.

Steve and I had an extremely late night, preparing for a fundraiser for the Weekend to End Breast Cancer, and when Noah sailed into our room this morning with a chipper, "Good morning!" I was unable to move or form a coherent response.

Steve, on the other hand, rolled out of bed to hug Noah and wish him an equally good morning. He then went to the kitchen to get Noah's breakfast, and I could hear him singing, "Good morning, good morning from the sun. Good morning, good morning everyone!"

Steve returned to our room, still singing, kissed me, and asked if I'd like toast or cereal.

I rest my case.

I wonder if there's a support group.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

What might have been

My sister, Robin, reminds me that it has been 11 days since my last post.

And it's not like there was nothing I could have written about.

Even before my last post, I missed the opportunity on March 8 to talk about International Women's Day.

And did you know that March 10 marks the 130th anniversary of the first transmission of recognizable speech over the telephone? I'm a communications major; I took Paul Heyer's Communications History course; I actually knew this, but didn't post.

And March 15, 1967 was the day the music for "O Canada" was copyrighted.

And as a McGuire, surely I should have made comment on March 17, Saint Patrick's Day.

But did I? No. Instead I spent most of the last 11 days lying in bed or on the couch, wrapped in a comforter, coughing up a lung. Conclusion: Colds are bad for bloggers.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Fickle, thy name is weather

Here it is, my first spring with a garden to watch, and it snows in March. Argh.

We've had the most volatile weather for the last four weeks, it amazes me. Cold, frosty mornings; the odd warm, sunny day; wind knocking out trees and the power; thunder and lightning; driving sleet, you name it.

And this morning, it snowed about an inch in an hour, then stopped. This afternoon it was bright and warm.

I have daffodils I'm waiting for. Stop with the snow. Enough.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

This'n that

Quick things.

1. I'm going to be famous.

2. I have fabulous new hair.

Famousness: I sent a press release to the Burnaby Now, the local community paper, about "Sisters for Sisters" and they're going to do a story on our mission to complete the Weekend to End Breast Cancer benefiting BC Cancer Foundation. I think that's a good use of my 15 minutes.

Hair: I wish I had a digital camera. I dyed my hair Deepest Indigo, and got a new 'do. (If you click the link, then click on 'deepest indigo', you get to see something similar to my new cut.) On our way down to the salon, Noah asked why I was going to get a new haircut.

"Is it to make your hair pretty, Mama?" (I replied in the affirmative.)

"But you're already pretty, Mama."

THAT is a child destined for politics, sales or P.R.


P.S. I haven't bought new seeds for days. I did buy some peat pots. And my Globe Amaranth are up!!